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Helping Women Find What Lights Them Up

One-on-One Coaching to Help You Wake-up Feeling Inspired Again

It's all too easy to lose the spark in the grind of "keeping it all together."

Even accomplished women can feel trapped in a cycle of unmet potential and murky futures

Hi, I'm Mihika

I completely understand how it can feel like you're caught in a whirlwind, yearning for a life that's rich with meaning and purpose, yet not quite sure where to start. It's like you're on a never-ending hamster wheel, aware that something needs to shift, but life's relentless pace keeps you spinning. Despite the haze, believe me, there's a clear path that leads from where you stand now to a version of you that's vibrant and fulfilled. As a coach dedicated to supporting professional women, I've guided many through the stormy seas of balancing work and life, all while carving out precious moments for the things that truly ignite their spirit.

Let's embark on this journey together, uncovering the joy and fulfillment that awaits.

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Find What Lights You Up

This 12-week journey is your invitation to discover what truly lights you up. Together, we'll navigate through the layers of your life, identifying and clearing the fog that obscures your brightest path. By the end, you'll emerge with a clear vision that aligns with your innermost passions, ready to embrace a life that radiates with purpose and joy. Let's ignite the spark of your ultimate radiance.

Discover and illuminate your deepest passions

Turn self-doubt into a powerhouse of confidence

Design a vivid, actionable blueprint for your future

Escape the setback loop, embrace infinite possibilities

Embark on a transformative journey,

An Inspired You is Just 3 Steps Away







Image by Aleksandr Ledogorov

I want to get started on my Intentional journey to waking up Inspired

The Intentional Guide is on its way to your Inbox!

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